Dra. Lia Alves Schinetski, PHD

Mayara Freitas

From adolescence on, I began to notice that I was very sleepy, but recently I discovered that discouragement and tiredness could occur as a result of apnea. What surprised me was knowing that I could treat her not only with the help of an ENT doctor, but also with a dentist. In my case, the dentist Dr. Lia gave me a lot of confidence and clear explanations so that I understood the apnea and how the treatment would help me. It was very easy to adapt to the intra-oral device, only in the first week I had a mild discomfort, but now I realize how much better I sleep. When I do not use this appliance, I wake up tired and have less disposition during the day. Knowing the apnea and this treatment with the intraoral device has enabled me to improve the quality of life.

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